Friday, August 20, 2010

CoPay After CoPay

Thank goodness for health insurance! This family is certainly getting our money's worth as Scripps Clinic seems to be our home away from home lately. We started the year off with Matt's neck issue, which continues as he waits for word on a surgery date. He will most likely need a bone fusion surgery to help with the disc degeneration. Then, Allison had eye surgery to remove Molluscum from her eyelid in February.
At Allison's June 8-year checkup, we discussed recent headaches and have been keeping a headache diary ever since. The frequency of them continued so this week she saw a Neurologist. It appears she is suffering from heat/tension related migraines and we will continue to monitor their frequency.
Not long after, Matt came down with a sinus infection and ear infection and was put on antibiotics. Unfortunately, the ear got worse and had to go to urgent care again...seems the ear infections moved further into the ear canal and he is now on a stronger antibiotic.
At Taylor's 10-year checkup a few weeks ago (yes a little off schedule), she had warts removed from her elbow and was referred to an Pediatric Orthopedist for knee pain. We found out this week that she is suffering from Plica Syndrome and needs to stay out of PE and soccer for 4-6 weeks. We have been told that she will battle this issue until she stops growing, which could be a while because her pediatrician says she will be 5'6! For now, she is doing lots of stretching exercises and icing and hoping to reduce the inflammation.
We wait for word on Matt's surgery and hope we can avoid the doctor for a while...