Saturday, June 13, 2009

Blessing Shower for Lisa and Daniel

Today, I drove to Palos Verdes Estates to attend Lisa and Daniel's Blessing Shower. It was a lovely ceremony to bless Lisa and Daniel and their daughter, who is due to arrive at the end of July. Laura and Russell hosted the event at their home and worked quite hard to make it a special day. The setting for the ceremony.

The favors in dyed egg shells.

I'm blessed to have Lisa as a friend.

The view from the back patio-Redondo Beach and Santa Monica.

We had a delicious brunch.

Daniel and Lisa listen as everyone shares their blessing.
As the ceremony got underway, everyone introduced themselves as they lit a candle. Then we went around the room again and read our blessing as we placed a bead onto a necklace for Lisa to keep. Each bead had a special meaning and the pink beads in between represented a baby girl. Before the ceremony ended, Daniel played a beautiful song that he wrote for his new baby girl and Lisa read a lovely poem. There were a lot of tears shed, fond memories shared and plenty of blessings from family and friends.