Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Patient

Matt has had a few rough months of pain in his neck and right arm which we now know to be caused by a herniated disc in his neck. He met with a surgeon a few weeks ago to discuss options and started with 2 weeks off of work to see if that would make a difference. He felt some relief spending quite a bit of time on the couch, but as soon as he returned to work, the pain continued. This morning, I took him to the hospital for a scheduled Cervical Epidural procedure that will hopefully bring some relief. We arrived early this morning (thanks Wendy for keeping the kids overnight so they didn't have to see how early!!) and Matt was quickly called back to get prepped. Doesn't he look thrilled?

Gotta love the socks!

He was given a fair amount of "happy juice" to take the edge off and after a quick 20 minutes in the lobby, I was called back to see him. Although groggy and a little loopy, I walked him to the car and got him into bed where he has spent much of the day. If he is going to feel relief, he should feel it within the next week. We are keeping our fingers crossed!!