Friday, March 5, 2010
Character Day and An Award
All week, the students have been celebrating Read Across America and Dr. Seuss' birthday. On Monday, they wore stripes and a hat and on Tuesday they wore crazy socks. They went to school with their clothes on backwards and their hair in lots of ponies for Wacky Wednesday and yesterday they wore shirts with words on them. For the last day, students were asked to dress like a book character. Allison was a soccer star from one of her books and Taylor went as Junie B. Jones like last year. I think she likes the comfy pajamas!
Taylor was also honored at Friday Flag with a Young Author Award. She was presented with a dog tag after her writing was judged by a panel of teachers. I think she won this award in 1st grade as well which is quite an honor. Mrs. Atkinson puts a lot of emphasis on writing which is certainly paying off. Great job Taylor!