Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Quarantine Continues

So quarantine life continues with no end in sight!  Masks are required to pretty much go anywhere.
Even Annie is feeling stuck inside!
I did a huge shop at Costco to stock up and avoid numerous trips to the store.
I tried the new Instagram craze of whipped coffee..pretty tasty!
Always looking for a change of scenery to work.  All of my co-workers are now working from home too.
 Soccer practices have been cancelled so Allie does "virtual" practices on Zoom with her coach and teammates.
GOHS delivered these "2020 Graduate" signs to all of the seniors since graduation will likely be cancelled.
 KWU orientation was done virtually with the academic advisor and fellow freshman.
Papa is sporting a new slicked-back look since he can't get a haircut.
Nights are spent in the backyard watching sunsets and making s'mores.
And the pups are loving all of the extra cuddles.  When will this end??