Thursday, April 9, 2020

Coronavirus Quarantine

Taylor flew home on Saturday, March 14th after spending a week in Ft. Lauderdale for her spring break.  The Coronavirus was quickly creating havoc around the world as the number of infected was increasing and  schools/businesses were closing.  There was an unsettling feel as to how long this would last and how many would be effected. 
On Sunday, as we sat at what would end up being our last outing, Gov. Newsom announced the closures of bars/restaurants/social gatherings.  Recommendations for keeping 6 feet apart and limiting outings became the new normal over the next few weeks.
Taylor started online school for the rest of the semester, the remainder of Allison's senior year will be online as well and all of our travel plans have been sad!
We have done lots of puzzles and watched lots of movies!

Annie has cherished all of the extra cuddles.
The girls cleaned out their rooms and reminisced on all of their soccer successes!
I got desperate and attempted to take off my overgrown gel nails...what a mess!
I have spotted lots of cute rocks on my daily walks!
Taylor and I did a mother/daughter cocktail hour via Zoom since we couldn't be in Kansas for Mom's weekend.
Allie started a little business called Knots By Allie and is making some cute wall decor for friends.  Taylor helped her create this cute Instagram page.
Toilet paper has become nearly impossible to find and we are now required to wear masks when we leave the house. Matt has battled some sort of sickness so stayed home for 2 weeks, got tested for Coronavirus (came back negative!) and barely left the playroom the whole time he has been home.
My work continues "as usual" and we are adjusting to this new sense of normal.   Still not sure how long it will last, but happy we are all under one roof, relatively healthy and have secure jobs!
There have been quite a few silver linings in all of this.  GOHS is so sad for all of its seniors and what they will miss out on with online school, so they have paid to have these yard signs placed in every senior students' yard!  
The elementary school teachers put on a parade last Saturday and came in a caravan down each street within our boundaries. We stood in the driveway and waved to most of the girls' elementary teachers.  It really was the sweetest sense of community!
Taylor's 1st grade teacher Mrs. Williams
 Allison's 1st grade teacher Mrs. Skinner
Allison's 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Falciano
Allison's 5th grade teacher Mrs. McBride

Sure hoping we return to "normal" soon, but we will certainly be talking about these unprecedented times for years to come!