Sunday, September 29, 2013


8 minutes into Allison's game this morning, she takes this unbelievable hit to the face!!  The girl in blue was coming down the field to take a shot and Allison came out of the box to challenge her.  The girl took a shot, the ball hit Allison in the head...enough to lift her off of the ground.   She fell to the ground immediately and didn't move .  The referee took forever to blow the whistle for Charlie to come get her off of the field.  I rushed over an ice pack and we will wait to watch for concussion symptoms.  After a rough week with her back acting up and now this, we have one tough warrior!
(Follow-up: Allison sat out of soccer and PE for the entire week following her hit because she had a consistent headache.  Finally this morning, 10/5, she is headache free, so she will sit out a few more days before returning to activity.)