Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rockin' America

For the past several months, the chorus kids have been meeting once or twice a week before and after school to get ready for the End of the Year performance...Rockin' America.  Matt and I attended this afternoon's performance and I get to go back tonight for the final show.
 Allison and her dance partner and friend, Grace.
 Faith, Zoey, Allison and Lorien
 Allison, Lorien, Faith and buddies all year.
 Allison and her dance group carried signs saying LOVE, PEACE, and GROOVY and danced to "You Say You Want a Revolution", "I Am Woman" and several others from the same era.  They were super cute!
I loved this performance because all of the songs were ones the audience could sing along to and Mrs. McBride does a great job accommodating so many 3rd, 4th and 5th graders that want to perform!