Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Break in Maui

Maui holds such a special place in our hearts and has become our most favorite vacation spot. Leslie stumbled on the DEAL OF THE CENTURY and we were able to get 9 flights for a fantastic Spring Break trip. The kids couldn't believe they would get to fly with their friends and spend the week in paradise together!We departed San Diego for a quick flight to LAX and then on to Maui. We arrived after dark so we didn't get the beautiful views on our drive to Kahana, but we woke up to a perfect sunny Hawaiian day. The view to the South from our balcony.

The view to the North. The Lebitski's condo was just around the bend of this beach and gave us the opportunity to walk to each other's home away from home.
Taylor and Lauren began exploring right away and found the shells to some sea urchins.