Thursday, June 1, 2017


I shed a lot of tears this morning as I stared at this hanging in the hallway.  It represents so much...17 years of parenting, countless hours at the kitchen table helping with homework, thousands of school lunches prepared, daily carpool conversations, weekly Friday flag salutes, chorus programs, soccer games, back-to-school shopping sprees, friendships, PTA, field trips, leadership conferences, college applications, AP testing, yearbook signings, award ceremonies, college acceptance letters and so much more.  So many memories crammed into these school years that have prepared Taylor for this moment.  Tears of joy, tears of anxiety, tears of life-never-being-quite-the-same...but most of all...tears of amazing pride!

 We felt blessed to have Gigi, Grandma and Papa all here to help us celebrate.  

 It's hard to believe it has already been a year since Taylor was there to cheer Andrew on at his graduation and I know Taylor was so happy to have him there for her.
 Jenna and Taylor have remained so close despite going to different schools.  I'm so glad we were able to snag an extra ticket so she could hold my hand during the ceremony.
 This girl has my whole heart and I'm still not sure how to wrap my head around her moving away.  I'm just going to think happy thoughts and be excited for what her future holds!
 Despite over 5,000 people trying to get into Great Oak, I was so impressed by the organization and flow of the process.  We got 6 seats up in the red section bleachers and wristbands for Grandma and Papa to sit on the field for easier access.
The music played as the 800+ graduates made their way around the track and to their seats.  Taylor spotted us in the stands and gave us a wave.  It was magical! 
 The student and staff speeches were impressive, the music was emotional and poignant and the students and crowd were respectful.
Then the students lined up by row to receive their diplomas.
 3 stages were used to call all of the graduates' names.  It was a well-oiled machine!  Taylor shook Mr. Rodriguez' hand as she received her diploma and we cheered loudly from the stands.
After everyone took their seats on the opposite side of the field, the valedictorian asked the students to move their tassels to the other side of their mortar board and declared them the graduating class of 2017!  Caps went flying through the air and the crowd roared
and the fireworks show started!  What a celebration!
We found Taylor on the field and spoiled her with flower, candy and money leis and lots of flower bouquets!

 It's official!
A final picture with Mr. Skaggs and the WSB crew!
One last stop to her senior parking spot...thanks for the idea Allison!
 Back to the house for cake and ice cream and a few gifts.
 Grandma and Papa gave her a new laptop for college!!
 We gave her luggage and Gigi gave her a beautiful bracelet and a very nice Target gift card to furnish her dorm.  Thanks to all!  Let the grad parties begin...