Sunday, December 18, 2016

Holiday Spirit in SD

Leslie and I were looking for something to put us into the Christmas spirit.  Unfortunately, Lauren couldn't get the day off of work, but we took the rest of the girls down to SD for the Festival of Lights Boat Parade.  We made a day of it with some shopping at Horton Plaza and lunch at Panera.
Then we parked near Petco Park and spent a few hours at the ice skating rink next to the Hilton BayFront.  It was a beautifully clear, warm San Diego day and the rink wasn't crowded at all.  
 We loved listening to the Christmas music and looking at this fantastic view.  

 We popped into the hotel lobby to check out the life-sized gingerbread house before walking down to Seaport Village to get dinner.
 The sun was setting over the marina and it was such a pretty night to walk around.
The line for pizza was quite long so the girls walked ahead to get us a good spot to view the parade.  We ate our pizza along the rocks while we waited for it to start.

Most of the boats had very festive decorations and Christmas music and it was a fun event to put us in the Christmas spirit!