Today was our last port of call. Great Stirrup Cay is a private island owned by Norwegian Cruise Line. We anchored and had to be taken to shore by tender boats.
Luckily, we were up early AGAIN and were on the first tender so we were able to rent clamshell lounge chairs for shade and take advantage of the island before it got too crowded. We took some time to explore the many areas.
A full rainbow right as we arrived!
The island offered paddle boarding, snorkeling, rafts, jet skis, etc...
There were fancy cabanas for rent, but they were all sold out by the time we tried to get one.
We had a great time in the warm water again
and cherished every minute of our last day.
The Bahamas flag
Along our walk we spotted tons of teeny tiny hermit crabs
and found this awesome lagoon. The water was like glass and we had it all to ourselves. I talked to the lifeguard on duty and was fascinated to learn that 40-50 people live on the island 5 months at a time as technicians, maintenance workers and lifeguards/medical personnel. Then they get 5 weeks off and return to do it again. What a cool deal!
I swam out to the little island in the lagoon and convinced the girls to join me. There was actually a ledge you could stand on and walk around. Taylor panicked a bit when trying to swim back (feared something would swim out from under the ledge), but we all made it safely!

some jellyfish and even this huge sun fish!
By lunch time, the crowds were forming
so we took a break to stuff ourselves with a delicious BBQ buffet.
After returning to the boat, we had a great final dinner at the back of the ship with a window view as we sailed away from Great Stirrup Cay and the girls and I had fun watching the final variety show at Stardust.