Saturday, November 15, 2014


 I get teary-eyed just thinking about it.  That sweet baby girl with fat rolls from head to toe is turning 15 today!
 She brings so much joy to my life.
 Taylor amazes me everyday!  She loves life, loves her family and friends,
 and works so hard in all that she does.  She is so quick-witted,
 beautiful, smart, humble, 
 funny, athletic, dedicated and truly kind.
 I am so proud of all that she accomplishes through academics and athletics, but am even more proud of her character and the values she stands behind.  I love the friendship that I have with her and all of the time we spend cuddling, bickering, laughing, crying, and just being.  
I will always be her biggest cheerleader and can't wait to see what her future holds.  For now, I will wish her the happiest of birthdays and enjoy every minute of her 15th year.  I love you Taylor!  Happy Birthday to you!