Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The "A" Team

Taylor has been playing soccer since she was 4 and has such a love for the game.  This year, I have seen her passion and motivation grow more than ever before and she is working hard to achieve each new challenge she sets for herself.  
Since she returned to Legends after the high school season, she has set a goal to make the GU15 "A" team.  She has had conversations with Coach Amanda about her weaknesses and strengths, she has attended extra practices with Coach Heather and she worked extra hard at tryouts to prove her ability to Coach Rick.  Well all of the hard work paid off and Taylor was offered a spot on the "A" team.  Coach Rick called to tell me he noticed Taylor on the first night of tryouts, saw great potential in her ability and really looks forward to coaching her.
He asked Taylor to call him directly so he could offer her the spot personally and she was thrilled! The competition will be that much greater, the pace of the game will be that much faster and she will be pushed that much harder, but she is up for the challenge and can't wait!
I am so proud of her focus, hard work and dedication to the sport she loves and look forward to what awaits.  Great job Taylor!!