Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy 11th Taylor B!

Wow, how did this adorable 11 week old turn into a beautiful 11 year old so fast? I can't believe it has been 11 years since we welcomed our 1st baby girl into the world. You have been such a blessing and I love you more and more each day!

I have always loved the sparkle in your gorgeous blue eyes and your smile melts my heart. You are such a considerate daughter and always try your best. I am proud of the friend that you are to everyone you meet and am so proud of your accomplishments at school and on the soccer field. I love your new found sense of adventure and eagerness to try new things.

As you turn 11, you surround yourself with great friends, have all A's in 6th grade, just won the division championship on your Hawks team and celebrated with 15 friends with a Pop Star Mystery Birthday party. You love painting your nails, playing on your laptop, listening to music, mastering new hairstyles, helping me bake, texting your friends and sharing stories about your day. You make us laugh with your funny voices and lack of common sense (sometimes). You can't wait for the ski season to start, but were so sad that we didn't get many warm summer beach days. All of these things, make you YOU and I wouldn't change a thing.
I love you with all of my heart and your Dad and I couldn't be prouder of the 11 year old we are raising. We love you so much Taylor and wish you the best year yet. Happy 11th Birthday!!!!