Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hong Kong Clay Pot

For the past year and a half, the girls have been raving about this restaurant that Chris and Aimee took them to in San Francisco. They couldn't stop talking about the Ginger Crab and Honey Walnut Prawns and said Matt and I had to try it. We were happy to oblige and Chris was happy to get us there. On Saturday, Chris picked us up and we headed to the city. Drive on the Bay Bridge.

Hong Kong Clay Pot is on the 2nd floor of a building in the heart of Chinatown and I would have walked right by it. The girls however spotted it right away and led us up the stairs. You know you are in a good Chinese restaurant when every table is full of Chinese patrons! We sat down and let Chris and the girls lead us through the ordering process. I needed to ensure there were a few things I was comfortable with, but let them expose us to some new stuff too.

Cashew Chicken, Ginger Crab, Pork Fried Rice, Honey Walnut Prawns, Kung Pao Beef, Peking Shortribs, white rice and tea
Thank you Uncle Chris!

The girls were in their glory and we had fun too!